Technology that inspires

The composition of components makes the difference, this is also the case in the IT. We are banking on quality components, which have succeeded and established worldwide in very common products. This is our foundation which allows us to realize efficiently and inovative projects.

We will gladly personally convince of the benefits of our software architecture.

We will gladly convince you personally of the benefits of our software architecture

Content Management

Tailored to your needs, we will create a system which enables you to manage images, articles and documents fast and easily. Together with our data management module you get a powerful tool to increase the productivity of your company.

Data Management

We create a secure and solid data management for you. With typical databases, full text searches, aggregation and indexing, caching and stemming any many more tricks we get the maximum performance and useability out of your data.


It doesn't matter where you want to have your content, we will gladly get it there. Beside common devices like Smartphones, Tablets and desktop browsers we create complete "Embedded Systems" and Desktop-Applications (cross-platform) too.

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